links for 2010-02-21

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1 opiniones sobre “links for 2010-02-21

  1. Great news! We just received the coiemtmmnt from Emerson Krueger to speak at our May 17 General Membership meeting. Mr. Krueger is a planner for the MatSu Borough and will be sharing information about the new Mat-Su Borough Density and Build-Out Study developed during the past year. The Study uses current U.S. Census population data for 2010, future population estimates, and expected land use patterns to forecast population and needed community facilities through the ultimate build-out of the Borough. Eventually, the Borough will have approximately 400,000 people and will rival Anchorage as the leading metropolitan area in the State. The Study will help community members understand where growth is expected to occur and where new community facilities may be needed including: schools, emergency service facilities, libraries, parks, and other community amenities.Be sure to reserve early as seating is limited.

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